Ever Worry You're Not That Good At Managing Google Ads?

Ever get that feeling that other ad managers know something you don't?

That your clients will find out and you'll lose them to an agency that knows something you don't?

Do you get the feeling that you're not doing enough for your clients?

You're in the right place.

The truth is... we all worry. Novice ad managers worry because they don't have experience. Experts worry because they do. The best way to handle the stress and anxiety of managing accounts on the ever-changing Google Ads platform is to surround yourself with others who are in the trenches. Learn from the experiences of others and find a trusted expert to answer your questions and show you the strategies, tools, and best practices used by the best.

3,000+ Ad Managers

Helped with their Google Ads mastery

500+ Ad Accounts

Managed, Audited, & Overhauled

15,000+ Hours

Managing Ads, Training & Coaching

"I can honestly say that Ads Master Coaching has been a turning point in my career. Ryan's passion for teaching and his genuine investment in his member's success makes this program truly outstanding."

Jemaris Guyton

Member, Ad Master Coaching

Google Ads Is Always Changing

And every account is different. And problems come out of nowhere.

Ever second-guess your skills?

Google Ads is supremely frustrating. What works for one account doesn't always work for another (even in the same industry). The best practices of 2016 are dead and gone, and the best practices of this year are still too fresh to be trustworthy. Accounts that performed well two years ago are wasting thousands now and clients don't care how it works, they just want results. The best in the industry have seen all of these changes coming because they knew what Google wanted ahead of time.

Adwords became Google Ads to show that there is more to Google than text ads. It has never been more important to expand your Google Ads knowledge.

That's why Ad Master Coaching offers insight into:

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Client Communication
  • Reporting
  • Data & Analytics
  • Sales
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Copywriting
  • Funnel Design
  • Offer Design
  • ...And More!

Is Ad Master Coaching For You?

Here are a few indicators that it may be exactly what you need:

  • You manage Google Ads as your primary form of work
  • You feel like there are things about Google Ads you don't know
  • You're concerned about keeping up with the changing platform
  • You don't have a trusted Google Ads expert you can ask anything
  • You don't have other ad managers around you that can listen and understand what you're going through

Why Ad Master Coaching?

With Google, YouTube, and Social, you can get a lot of answers for free.

How do you know which answers are right for you? You don't.

How do you tell which answers to trust? You can't.

Here are just a few reasons to try Ad Master Coaching:

Personalized Coaching

Q&A calls every month with a veteran Google Ads manager with experience managing hundreds of accounts from every imaginable industry.


24/7 Access to a community of like-minded ad managers to ask questions, swap stories, share news, collaborate, and be understood.

Searchable Answers

All calls are uploaded in transcribed video posts with searchable titles, topics, and tags. Now all of those past calls are actually useful!

Risk Free

Completely free! Enjoy.

Hi, I'm Ryan Baker

Google Ads Coach

For the last 7+ years, I've served as a Google Ads manager, client-facing account manager, paid search director, vice president of digital strategy, director of client services, agency operations consultant, Google Ads trainer, and a Google Ads coach.

I've helped to solve problems in accounts spending a total of $50 lifetime and accounts spending millions a year. I've helped leading agencies and marketing gurus solve problems in their toughest accounts and I've helped tens of thousands of markers to understand Google Ads better.

I charge $250/hour for my one-on-one coaching and agencies pay me thousands to train their ad managers, but I love coaching and training and want to make my coaching more accessible to more people.

That's why I created Ad Master Coaching. See you on the inside.

- Ryan Baker

Founder, Ad Master Coaching

Real Google Ads Support.

And you don't even have to sit on hold for 45 minutes!

  • Weekly group coaching calls ($1000 value)
  • All Past Calls & Searchable Answers ($38 value & growing)
  • Management & Client-facing Coaching ($250 value)
  • Discounts On Courses ($350 value)
  • Growing Community Of Ad Masters (priceless)
  • Total value for one month: $1,638

Ignore all mention of price. The group is now FREE!

Top Rated Google Ads Coach

Strategy, ad management, client relations, operations, tracking, and more. See why people love working with Ryan.

"Throughout my professional journey, I have participated in several Google Ads coaching and community groups. Unfortunately, I often found these programs insufficient in providing learning opportunities and actionable examples. This lack of practical instruction made it difficult for me to discover fresh strategies and derive inspiration from the leaders or fellow members of these communities. Moreover, many of these groups were primarily populated by members with relatively lower skill levels.

As a highly experienced Google Ads specialist, my expectations from these groups weren’t met until I joined Ryan Baker's Ad Master Coaching program. Despite my initial skepticism, I decided to engage with this community, and I must admit I was pleasantly surprised.

Ryan's weekly coaching calls stand out due to their insightful content. He shares practical, real-life examples and tips from his business experiences which have been incredibly helpful. Another beneficial feature of this group is that all coaching sessions are recorded, allowing members like me to revisit them later if we are unable to attend live.

What also sets this group apart is the high skill level of its members. This enriches the learning environment and eliminates the need to seek external inspiration or solutions to complex problems. This group exhibits a high degree of activity, with members regularly asking questions and offering mutual assistance.

In retrospect, such a community is what I had been missing in my previous experiences. I can confidently say that I thoroughly enjoy being a part of this growing learning environment."

Member, Ad Master Coaching

"Ryan is a fantastic teacher, patient and thorough. For anyone trying to learn and navigate the world of Google Ads, I cannot recommend his expertise enough. He's the Google Ads Guru."

Sterling Huff

Chief Data Officer, WHYSDOM

"Ryan is wonderful to work with! He knows all things AdWords. He brings suggestions for campaign improvement while staying on budget. Thanks!"

Diana Tyndall

Founder, Modern Day Marketing

"He has a brilliant understanding of how to pull the right levers for business owners that are optimized for leverage. I recommend him without hesitation."

Michael G. Bartlett, CCXP

Founder, CCXP Exam Simulator

"Our team really appreciated Ryan’s thorough, creative approach to growth strategy, his easy-going manner and accessibility, his expertise in all things digital, and his patience and aptitude when explaining complicated concepts."

Jim Tincher, CCXP

CEO, Heart of the Customer

"He doesn't throw solutions at people. He takes the time to understand them."

Nick Altrup

President, 417 Marketing

Frequently Asked Questions.

I'm sure you have questions. Here are some questions other people have asked:

What if I can't make the calls?

Calls are held at the same time on the first Friday of every month and it may not make sense for you to join based on your time zone.

You can still submit a question ahead of time and I'll answer it on a call if possible. We record all of the calls and post transcribed recordings in the Classroom section.

If you weren't able to make a call, check the Recorded Calls section of the Classroom to watch the call.

What if you don't get to my question on a call?

If we miss your question, we may just answer it on an upcoming call. We choose questions to answer based on three factors:

1. Have we answered it before? If we've answered the exact same question, we'll try to point you to the posted clip with the answer so you aren't left waiting for a live response. If there are some varied nuances between your situation and the previously answered question, we'll consider answering with the additional info you need for your unique situation if we have time.

2. Order received. We try to answer questions in the order received, but sometimes we don't have time to get to all of the questions in a single call. We'll try to let you know if we plan to answer your question on an upcoming call, but our "order received" factor may be subject to the final factor...

3. Popular demand. Are a bunch of people asking the same questions all at once? If a question is valuable to a large group of people and another question is super niche and only applies to one or two ad managers we'll try to answer both, but we'll have to start with the one that more people will benefit from. That's just part of being in a community.

If you need answers quickly and we can't get to your question on a call, post it in the community feed! You may not get a live answer with a video and transcript, but you could get answers from multiple ad managers with screenshots, links, and resources you wouldn't have received from the video call. The community is a powerful tool that you can leverage daily and we'll also be in the feed answering questions.

Do you only help with Google Ads questions?

The purpose of this community is to help each other master Google Ads, but we understand that the platform does not operate in a vacuum. To improve performance on Google Ads, you may have to understand:

- Marketing strategy

- Sales

- Conversion Rate Optimization

- Offer Design

- Copywriting


- Data & Analytics

- Organic Social

- Organic YouTube

- Email Marketing

- Funnels

And a whole lot more. We're not promising expert advice in every category, but we'll do our best to point you in the right direction and back it up with data our resources we trust.

I work in an agency, can I share my account?

You bet! We would love to see every ad manager in your agency with their own account so we can get to know all of you as individual people, but we're not going to freak out if a different ad manager hops on a coaching call from time to time.

Why is it free?

I no longer have anything to sell to ad managers beyond 1:1 coaching, but I didn't want to disband the group so I changed the calls to monthly, stopped cutting transcribed clips, and made it free! Enjoy.

What if I want to pause?

There's nothing to pause anymore! It's free! Come and go as you please.

Do you offer any guarantees?

There is no longer anything to guarantee! It's a free group. Hop in, give it a try. If it's not for you, you're welcome to keep looking.

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